Black holes and warped space revealed by powerful new array of radio telescopes
ScienceDaily (2010-12-09) -- A new image shows how the light from a quasar billions of light years away is bent around a foreground galaxy by the curvature of space. This light has been traveling for 9 billion years before it reached the Earth. The quasar is a galaxy powered by a super-massive black hole, leading to the ejection of jets of matter moving at almost the speed of light. ... > read full article
Este blog é destinado a todos àqueles que ao olharem para o céu noturno se sentem como parte integrante do Cosmo. Feito para vc que sempre se emociona ao constatar a perfeição do seu Universo revelada em forma de luz. This blog is intended for all those who look to the sky feel as part of the cosmos. Done for you that excite to see the perfection of the universe revealed in form of light.
quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010
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